Returning citizens have an open road ahead of them that is full of opportunity, and there are several organizations that can help steer the way like the Ladies of Hope Ministries (LOHM). As a previously incarcerated woman, founder and executive director of the LOHM, Topeka K. Sam leads the LOHM with its mission to help disenfranchised and marginalized women and girls transition back into society through resources and access to high-quality education, entrepreneurship, spiritual empowerment, advocacy, and housing.
“At The LOHM, we empower women and girls with the resources and tools to succeed and we are grateful for the support from GTL employees!“ says Topeka K. Sam.
The LOHM’s advocacy reach includes a national legislative network intended to transform criminal justice policies that disproportionately impact women and girls. They are also working to address the effects of the current global health crisis affecting incarcerated women.
As part of their continued commitment to women and girls, the LOHM has recently opened two transitional Hope Houses in New York City (HHBronx) and New Orleans (HHNola) in order to provide a safe housing space for women returning after incarceration. Housing is available for women for up to one year as they re-adjust to seeing their families, returning to their communities, finding employment, and other entrepreneurial opportunities. The Hope Houses also provide educational resources and a safe space for the women to heal themselves. Hope House Nola opened a few months ago and the open house is in August. To learn more about HHNOLA, visit or text 41444 to HHNOLA.
Other programs that the LOHM provides are a free 24/7 confidential crisis text line to help recently incarcerated women connect with a trained counselor on any type of crisis; a food delivery service, which delivers free healthy food to formerly incarcerated women; and a global speakers bureau to advocate for women empowerment and entrepreneurship.
“For the many women leaving prison with literally nothing but the clothes on their backs, this is a life-changing resource,” says Pelicia Hall, Senior Vice President of Reentry at GTL. “Any chance to help returning citizens successfully transition is a blessing, especially for women who face unique challenges that often go unaddressed.”
To learn more about the Ladies of Hope Ministries and access their services:
- Website:
- Email Address: [email protected]
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- Vimeo:
- Twitter:
For a list of more organizations and resources aimed at helping returning citizens, go here.
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